All Good here!
I’ve been silent - because I’ve been sick and now I’m officially silent because I have no voice! This cold or flu whatever it is just hanging on makes me crazy! Today I feel more normal - except the voice and the cough still lingers. Jean as avoided it so far - tells me he doesn’t get sick so he won’t catch it! Where’s that palm to face emoji when I need it!
He’s actually doing so great! He’s finding things to keep himself busy - I mean, I’m finding things to keep him busy. It’s so strange this place we are in. He’s always had an extensive to-do list of his own - no matter the weather outside. He always kept the garage cleaned and somewhat tidy but now he doesn’t see it or feel the need to tend to any of it. He did fold my laundry for me - always grateful for the help!! But it’s strange to watch your person change. I’m so glad he’s kind and gentle I have seen some stories I hope I never have to experience.
Last week he built me two more table tops for my studio. They are so pretty and work so great for my space! I can take the tables apart and store them out of the way when it’s not rented! I did notice the difference in craftsmanship has diminished since the first set but still I’m so grateful!! I use 5ft folding tables under them and when I ordered them I accidentally ordered 6ft, which are too long for the tops he made so I sent him to pick up two 5ft and return the others. He was fine until it was time to return the two - he said he couldn’t do it. There aren’t many times he goes without me there with him anymore and this is kind of why - he gets a bit hung up with tasks. You can set your clock by his morning burritos - promptly 8am but he couldn’t figure out how to get two folding tables into the Walmart service desk alone.
I’m closing this one here as I’m so tired. Need to rest so this darned cold will clear! It’s hard to whisper all the time!
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